
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Just like training camp did to me, we’re jumping right in. 

What a powerful day watching the Holy Spirit work. I asked God for a vision of who He says I am. I’ve never really seen visions before, and I didn’t see one this time either. But God did something so much better. He gave my squad mates and leaders visions about me, and praise God, they listen to the Spirit and told me about them. 

One leader compared me to baby Moses, who was so special and such a precious gem that they had to hide him away in a basket. 

Next, a squad mate said she saw a vision of a puzzle and the last missing piece was me. She specifically said that the picture wouldn’t have been complete without that last piece. 

Then, another leader said he saw me as a gem. Precious and valuable. Like a diamond ring that fits perfectly on a finger to give it beauty. And when that diamond is tilted and turned in different lighting, it’s able to reflect and shine in so many unique ways. 

Finally, another squad mate said I was like an arm in the body of Christ. Reaching out to people and making them feel loved. 

I’m not staying this to prove I’m valuable. I know the truth about who God says I am. But I’m sharing because this was incredible. From birth up until that first vision was spoken over me, I viewed myself as overlooked. I thought I was unseen, unheard, and therefore, unimportant. Like I said before, I know my value, but there’s always been those doubts and fears and insecurities that I didn’t even realize were there.

These past couple days, and specifically these visions, have been a complete revelation of how I view myself. It might not seem like anything crazy to you, but it most definitely rocked my world and allowed me to see even more of who God is.

Thank you, Jesus, for revealing this to me and for creating me the way that you did. Let me never feel that invisible weight of insecurity again. Continue revealing your truth to me and continue to show me who I really am, a daughter of the King. God, help me to walk this out in humility and to recognize that you love each person on this earth just as much as you love me. Thank you for a great first few days of training camp, can’t wait to see what else you do. 

More to come on the practicality of trading camp soon. Just felt like I needed to be vulnerable with the people that have been so supportive of me. 

2 responses to “A Revelation”

  1. God is so good! The Holy Spirit is ministering to me while I read this post. There’s nothing like the love of Jesus and feeling his amazing love. I love my daughter so much and I’m so proud of her commitment to Christ. Thank you Jesus for speaking to Jamey through the words of her team and leaders.

  2. Thank you for sharing that Jamey. I love how God used the leaders in your group to speak to you. I believe this is just the beginning of the great things God has for you!