
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve known anxiety my whole life. Growing up, I can’t recall a single moment where anxiety was not present. It was like TV static in the background of my mind & heart. I tried pushing it away, resisting it, but it just didn’t work. Nothing helped. Then, after turning 18, it escalated into a panic disorder. There was a period of my life where I was having panic attacks twice a day. Like full-blown panic attacks. Uncontrollable crying, loss of breathe, shakiness, intense/overwhelming fear, and not knowing when or if it would ever end. After removing myself from a specific environment, it did calm down, I was down to having about one panic attack a month, but the anxiety was still everlasting. It had such a strong grip on my life. I felt it it would never end and that I would never have, even a moment, of peace. 

But God.

He used Satan’s attack on my life to draw me closer to Christ. Jesus chased me down, ran after my heart, and embraced me. The Holy Spirit filled me up, casted out all anxiety, and gave me peace. Real, true peace. I haven’t had a panic attack in months, but not only that, I haven’t had any anxiety!!! That TV static I was talking about earlier? ITS GONE. Don’t get me wrong, I still experience fear & worry, as we are on earth and that’s just going to happen, but it’s not deafening. It doesn’t tear me down. Anytime fear/worry is present, the Holy Spirit over powers it with joy, peace, & hope. 

This is the power of Holy Spirit. There is no other explanation. I’ve discussed it in depth with a counselor, we talked through every other way I could’ve been freed of anxiety, but nothing really lined up. The absolute only way to explain this healing is that it was God. And I can’t help, but share it. God is real. The Holy Spirit is real. And He wants to help us, guide us, and heal us. He wants us to surrender our lives to Him in every. single. area. It can be intimidating to just let go of the wheel that’s driving life, but it is SO worth. I’ve recently learned that I can’t do anything without the Holy Spirit. Going to work, making friends, and simply getting out of bed each morning. The Holy Spirit is what gives me the strength, courage, and patience to do each of those & so much more.

So let this be a word of encouragement. God can & will heal you from anything, but you have to let Him. You have to totally, 100% surrender your life up to God, and let Him do the rest.

One response to “I am Healed, in Jesus’ Name.”

  1. So we’ll said, Jamey! I used to worry about everything, and I mean… everything! God healed me in my late 20s. It was so freeing. I still fight it at times but it goes away quickly as I release it to God. I’m so proud of you for releasing all of yourself to God! He’s got his hand on you! Looking forward to hearing how God is using you. Love you so much!