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Thoughts & Inspiration

In our current society, we as a whole tend to lean toward instant gratification. We are constantly wishing for what we want, when we want it.

I am so guilty of this. I recently found myself constantly waiting and wishing the days away. Everyday I found myself thinking…

I. Can’t. Wait. 

‘I can’t wait to get off work’

‘I cant wait for the weekend’

‘I can’t wait to make friends’

‘I can’t wait to meet my future husband’ 

and the list goes on.

I was constantly wishing for the future to come, rather than living in the current day God has given me.

But the thing is… God doesn’t work in our timing. His plans are different than our plans. As much as we wish and want and hope, His timing trumps ours. And even though we might grow weary in the waiting, His plan is greater and He will come through. It may not (almost never) be when or how you want Him do something, but He will do it. He knows the desires of our hearts and longs to make them come true.  And often, the period of ‘waiting’ is used for our own good. Maybe God isn’t giving you the thing you want right now because He knows you’ll mess it up if you get it immediately. Maybe He needs you to learn a certain lesson or cultivate a certain skill before you can do something to the fullest extent. Either way, He will give you what is best for you when He is ready.

That being said, I’ve changed (am working to change) my mindset. I’m no longer waiting. I am enjoying every moment I am given. Whether it’s a Sunday afternoon at the zoo, or stressed to the max while at work. I’ve realized I am there for a reason. I may not know what it is yet, but God does and my job is to be patient and trust Him. 

ANYWAYS, with everything said. I can wait for this trip;) I’m so stinkin’ excited to go, but there are things that need to be done beforehand. Refinement to be done in my heart, healing to be done in my family, relationships to be made in my life, and work to be done at my job. 

221 days till I leave on this trip, and God is working through every single one.