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World Race Training Camp: A Series

Part Six: The YES

*Two in one night to make up for the long break in between posts;) Also, I think was my favorite moment of all of training camp*

We sat in our room where we had sessions, each with a pen & paper. The paper was (for lack of better words)  a ‘contract’. To follow God, live in His presence, and commit to our squad. We each sat quietly, prayed over the contract, and individually decided if were willing to sign it. One at a time, whenever we felt comfortable, we would walk up to the front, sit at the table with our mentor, talk for second, & sign. After we signed, we hugged it out and began to form a circle around the room. As more & more people signed the contract, we began to sing and worship together (this seems to a constant within H squad & I am very happy about it!). Slowly, the circle got bigger and bigger till every single person was part of it.

Throughout this time, we had the opportunity to take communion on our own, whenever we felt ready, if we felt ready. If I had to guess, over half our squad in total took it. Then, toward the end of this ‘session’ we got to watch our leaders/coaches/mentor gather together and take communion as a team. It was beautiful to see our leadership team humble themselves before God as they agreed to chase after Him and commit to leading our squad.

Now, most of you know, I don’t really cry much. But during this hour & a half, I cried the ENTIRE time. Like I could not stop. Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks from the second I got the paper till every person signed and we were dismissed for a break. You can ask anyone in the room, the tears wouldn’t stop. Lol I’m surprised I didn’t run out!


This was a beautiful moment. One to be cherished.

A family was born. And we each agreed that we were all in. 

We gave our YES to H squad, and ultimately, to God.

Thanks God for such a sweet moment and a squad like no other:)

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